Kako biste jasnije identifikovali gde se naše usluge uklapaju sa vašim potrebama razvili smo tri predodređena paketa usluga koji su vam na raspolaganju. Izborom bilo kojeg od ova tri paketa zagarantovali ste da ćete dobiti kompletan eLearning proizvod. Jedina razlika bi bio nivo prilagođenosti sadržaja. Ukoliko zaključite da su vaše potrebe nesto drugačije od ovih paketa, ili želite da napravite neki paket koji je kombinacija ova tri, sa zadovoljstvom ćemo napraviti paket samo za vas!
Pokušaćemo da vašu tranziciju u svet eLearninga učinimo neprimetnom i zabavnom. Nudimo:
- Kreiranje I optimizacija trening sadrzaja
- Optimizacija I struktuiranje postojeceg trening sadrzaja
- Optimizacija postojecih kurseva bazirano na target grupi
- Pretvaranje postojecih treninga u eLearning format
- Lektorisanje
- Podrska oko LMS (Learning Management System) platforme
Koristeci tehno-pedagoski pristup, kombinovano sa ADDIE metodologijom, mi pravimo za vas efektivne I efikasne, interaktivne I dinamicne kurseve.
Addie podrazumeva:
- Analiza
- Dizajn
- Razvoj
- Implementacija
- Procena / ocenjivanje
Grafički dizajn podrazumeva pravljenje kompletno novih elemenata, kao i prilagođavanje postojećih. Nudimo:
- Odabir velike baze open source grafickih elemenata
- Redizajniranje postojecih grafickih elemenata u svrhu prilagodjavanja potrebama klijenata
- Kreiranje I dizajn grafickih elemenata ‘od nule’
- Unikatne ilustracije
Pod LMS-om uslugama podrazumevamo hosting, podrsku, razvitak I odrzavanje Vase trening platforme. Nudimo:
- Inicijalnu postavku LMS-a
- Kreiranje Vaseg LMS-a koristeci open source materijale
- Kreiranje Vaseg LMS-a ‘od nule’
- Hosting, administraciju I odrzavanje Vaseg LMS-a
Consulting: Converting premade training materials into eLearning format.
Course Creation: Standard interactive elements, animations, and knowledge checks. Implementation of premade audio and video files into the course.
Graphic Design: Multimedia elements from the open source database (images, sounds and video materials that do not fall under copyright – free to use).
LMS: Final product is a course in SCORM 2004 format, with publication to the LMS platform.
Consulting: Evaluation, optimization, and structuring of existing training materials (premade training material will be aligned with the context of the course).
Course Creation: Advanced interactive elements, animations, and knowledge checks. Course optimization based on the needs of the target group. Redesigning of existing audio and video files.
Graphic Design: Adaptation of open source elements into unique ones.
LMS: Initial setup, administration, and maintenance of the LMS platform.
Consulting: Converting premade training materials into eLearning format.
Course Creation: Standard interactive elements, animations, and knowledge checks. Implementation of premade audio and video files into the course.
Graphic Design: Multimedia elements from the open source database (images, sounds and video materials that do not fall under copyright – free to use).
LMS: Final product is a course in SCORM 2004 format, with publication to the LMS platform.
Get Your Custom Experience
If you wish to build your own package, we will be more than happy to help you out. Pick any of the elements, or invent your own!
Course Creation: Standard interactive elements, animations, and knowledge checks. Implementation of premade audio and video files into the course.
Graphic Design: Multimedia elements from the open source database (images, sounds and video materials that do not fall under copyright – free to use).
LMS: Final product is a course in SCORM 2004 format, with publication to the LMS platform.
Course Creation: Advanced interactive elements, animations, and knowledge checks. Course optimization based on the needs of the target group. Redesigning of existing audio and video files.
Graphic Design: Adaptation of open source elements into unique ones.
LMS: Initial setup, administration, and maintenance of the LMS platform.
Course Creation: Standard interactive elements, animations, and knowledge checks. Implementation of premade audio and video files into the course.
Graphic Design: Multimedia elements from the open source database (images, sounds and video materials that do not fall under copyright – free to use).
LMS: Final product is a course in SCORM 2004 format, with publication to the LMS platform.